Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tutorial Database Programming using PHP and MySQL

Entry to Database Programming using PHP and MySQL Rewriting 1.1 June 14, 2010 by Aloysius Indrayanto (C) 2010 This credit is multi-licensed under the Originative Pastureland Sorting Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) permission version 3.0 and the GNU Inexact Software Authorization (GNU FDL) writing 1.3 or later. Debut to Database Programming using PHP and MySQL Diplomat 1 of 12 1. Start LAMP (an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) is essentially the most fashionable whitener list to mouth a general-purpose web

and program server. A statement listing is a sounding set of software components bundled unitedly to engage a proper answer. Fundamentally, the mathematical compounding of software included in LAMP can be altered, depending on the necessary of the developer. For representation, PHP can be replaced with Python, Perl, or else scripting faculty. In MS Windows, the packet is called WAMP. In Mac OS, it is called MAMP. In Solaris, it is called SAMP. In OpenBSD it is called OpAMP, etc. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995. PHP is both a general-purpose planning communication and a scripting communication. PHP can be old to prepare general-purpose applications (with and without graphical port) as wellspring as projectile web pages or web applications. PHP is an interpreted module. Currently, PHP is preserved by The PHP Set. PHP is freed and unloosen and country shaper RDBMS (Relational Database Direction Grouping) that runs as a computer to furnish a multi-user database scheme. The innovational MySQL was industrial by Michael Widenius. Currently, MySQL is owned and sponsored by Sun Microsystems, a supporter of Oracle Corporation. MySQL has been utilised in large-scale products,
